torsdag 19 februari 2015

Ok Magic on the way...

Started a new private project, got some cool inspiration and decided to take an evening at a coffe shop to start building something that could prove to be really cool, and if not its more practice ;).

Spectrum with Zedd, Matthew Koma in the ear-phones, life is good :)

fredag 13 februari 2015

Raspberry Project started.. :)

Thats right people, I got some of my hardware stuff together and thinking about becoming a hardware/software ninja aswell! :) My plan of action is to first learn more about the Pie and toy around with Node and then trying to fire up some LED lights etc. Setup image posted...

Peace ;)

onsdag 11 februari 2015

Ok soon more stuff to come.. :D

Hi people will try to make this blogg active again :). I am currently at a client doing cool stuff regarding video-streaming and IPTV, maybe something I could use further down the line.. ;). But I also got my interest up for toying around with Raspberry Pies and thinking about adding some Node.js functionality to the pie and make some magic. Have some cool Ideas and will tell you more about it as it progresses. As for now I just wanted to start writing again ;).
