söndag 10 maj 2015

Astrology - Open Source Project

Ok since I am both a nerd when it comes to the technical code stuff and also I do believe in spiritual stuff and things like Astrology, I did start an open source javascript code project to implement a class that bascially could handle simpler astrological questions for the end-user. Things like getting information about your zodiac sign (and maybe later down the line compatibility between different signs and specific astrological blue-prints). I pushed the code and stuff to GitHub , go check it out https://github.com/DaWoody/Astrology-JS

Also got a haircut and shaved some of my beard ;)

söndag 3 maj 2015

GitHub practice and sun ;)

Done some more collaborative workflow repo practices today. I really like both The issue handling and wiki functions Of Bitbucket and GitHub. Started to investigate more Of The IO javascript library which should Work pretty well with some Node functionality for The PI. This will Help probably a lot with what We are trying to do in Awesome Ninja Kittens currently, which is a combination Of a video service with hardware integration structures using secure communication channels or something similar to that. Lets see where that project goes ;). Also got time to sit some in The sun in beautiful Tessinparken in Stockholm today ;)