onsdag 17 februari 2016

Acapulco First Episode

Hi pps! Hope you are having a nice february! Me and a friend /former colleague decided to go for a conference trip to Acapulco to both meet new interesting business contacts, get inspiration, attend workshops and more. But also to work a bit more with Free Video Player and its different components. Working on getting to the Alpha release stage. So Basically we are going for supporting VOD's with subtitle support, muxxed and separated track support for DASHED resources, as well as support for standard formats such as mp4 and webm. Moreover Free Video Player should also support multiple bitrates, and hopefully (maybe.. ;)) we will fix support for multiple audio streams aswell (that might be included further down the line but.. ;)).

Anyways a bit about the start of our trip, we started with a 19 (ish) hour flight with Lufthansa, where they both had power supply for the computers (kudos to Lufthansa) making us able to work over the atlantic, which we did!

For us the first official hotspot setup between our development environments sending packages back and forth in mid-air (about 8000 m up over the atlantic and the over the alaskan/canadian thundra ;)). Was a pretty cool experience having like your own wifi and dev environment there ;).

Anyways attaching some images from our first day here, more to come :)
