tisdag 14 februari 2017

Astronomy Picture Of the Day - Wordpress plugin

Hi people, I've been working with something different lately... I actually went into teaching high-schoolers! Following your own ideas about things that matter to you and your view of life is something I deem as really important and one of the key factors helping one live a more satisfying and gratifying life, but besides my current exploration in the academic sector, acting more as a mentor and teacher in the ways I can help people, I have also taken up some hours of my life to toy around with pulling together a Wordpress plugin.  I guess I still enjoy creating stuff with code when the purpose, idea and a bunch of other parameters are set... 😏

Heck for the sake of it, its space, its NASA, its some API development practice and Wordpress plugin practice, and just cool generally, I decided to toy around with the NASA's open API and it resulted in a plugin called Astronomy Picture Of the Day. Eventhough there are similar concepts made before on rss flow and similar, its always fun to create your own version of things.. like living your own life and not someone elses....

And also since I never published anything on Wordpress.org before I thought it would be cool to see how that works, so... I did it! 😄💪. And the nice guys at Wordpress helped me with some naming conventions so I would not be in violation of copyright laws (like using the word NASA in the plugin.. would be bad, like on the other side of good in some way). Anyways go check it out @ https://wordpress.org/plugins/astronomy-picture-of-the-day/
or check out the code @ https://github.com/DaWoody/Astronomy-Picture-Of-the-Day

Peace and take care of yourself and your loved ones