fredag 4 januari 2019

Welcome to 2019!

Hi people, its been a while ;) ...  more than a... year  (in fact almost 2..) since I wrote my last post. So to sum things up, lot of things both in my private life and my professional life has happened. I did try out teaching again, which was fun, but I also missed the developer side of life.

Also had the privilege to move, twice :D!

Regarding development I am at a nice shift in how I perceive myself, but the main theme is that new things are on the horizon for 2019. :)

My latest work do include a setup application based on React. So basically a pretty ok standardized React application base, that can go in "any" direction. With a much more thought out structure, layout, utility methods and own libraries needed to support a scalable, isomorpic modern single page application (or SPA).

This project is meant to be a "base" for a bigger project, that includes a viable business idea :P, and well there are a quite of those, but they all need to to be worked through.