torsdag 21 augusti 2014

Ok the source code of SayWotStats is now public!

Thats right! I decided to give it all away! :) Its not like the javascript files were hidden in the first place anyways... buuuut :) I hope that by putting up the project online (I am using bitbucket for this project)
I hope that the love will spread and either some people will find my code and solutions helpful in their projects, or maybe some1 gets the idea that they wanna help me improve SayWotStats! Either way I think its a win win ! :D

P.s. I also now succeded in migrating the rest of the functionality (here I am referering to the WN7 functionality... to the new api 2.0 and the site should be working (as soon as its online again ;))).

Anyways without any further adooo.... check out the source code and the rest of the juice that makes up
the site, TEEEH SOURCE COOODE  at bitbucket ;)

Hope u all have a good one, peace!