onsdag 25 mars 2015

Soon off to france :)

Just a couple Of days more and I am off for a couple Of weeks in The french alps, Will be awesome!:) Will ofc bring some Of  my hobby projects with me to toy around with when I am not in The slopes..;). Got a pair Of new Shreditor 102's to back me up ... Check the beauties ;)

lördag 21 mars 2015

Weekend with Awesome Ninja Kittens...

Ok so the struggle continues.. (!).. or should I say the fun ;). Beautiful day out here outside of sthlm. Started snowing yesterday so today it has been clear skies so far and enjoying a nice scenery along the country side. Morning walk with the rest of the Awesome Ninja Kittens team. ;) Providing some images from our morning walk ;). Ok so we still have issues with getting all devices to play nicely together with our current setup, but instead now we are building three separat projects that will use REST-api calls to communicate between the different clients (web-clients, iOS-clients), hardware-server (the raspberry) and backend server logic server (a REST based Java server)... could be cool if we make it all work together.. will let you know how it goes... untill then here are some images ;)..

fredag 20 mars 2015

Dev weekend night owls ;)

Ok IT started with a bit Of uphill... We had some issues getting the network to play with all Of our devices, specially The prom queen or beautiful raspberry or queens, Lukas brought his ;). But we decided to try another approach and now have At least succeded in continuing after failing haha.. Three different branches and specific tech wise up and growing... Adding some images .. More to come ;)

onsdag 18 mars 2015

Dev weekend coming up

Thats right :). Probable shopping Spree tomorrow.. Engines and cameras probably... We Will be At least three developers Leaving the shores for a little while and making some magic. Most likely some extra friends will tag along for the beer or something ;). Will be awesome:). Oo a small ? For the web to come.. Microsoft is finally ditching ie for a new web browser called Spartan.. Lets see if it packs a better punch Than its predecessor.. I am sceptical ...;)

onsdag 11 mars 2015

Dev weekend coming up

Prepping for some cool things me and some friends Will be Doing next weekend. Probably a hardware/software based project Of some kind. IT Will be mostly awesome creation processes combined with beers and other stuff. Probably some nice hangarounds will be a part Of the fun aswell.. Will keep u posted...;)..

fredag 6 mars 2015

Lan At My brothers + raspberry

Yupp a small lan At My brothers place :) also I did succed with My first raspberry led lights project. A Node server running an express server, serving restcalls from an angular application towards a lib which calls the pins on The raspberry, which I did connect to small led /resistor circuit ;). Displaying image Of The beauty, enjoy :)

torsdag 5 mars 2015

Work dinner with friend ;)

Having a nice Work dinner with an Old friend Fredrik , who I built The app inspiremee.com with ;)

onsdag 4 mars 2015

Sthlm things ;)

a new cool meetup within the IoT community in Sthlm. New startup hub for the software/hardware section. Talk about security and other cool stuff. Also a step closer of making my first raspberry project ;)

måndag 2 mars 2015

salsa kingen

The salsa king, or salsakungen. Not aiming for that position yet, but I started turning my hips in a salsa course just recently! Its fun and I laugh a LOT haha specially about My own unability to get some moves working smootly, and you get to laugh with your partner who gets to taket part in the experience ;). Anyways that was what I wanted to say:). More stuff and inspiration coming up for dev projects also I can feel IT ;)...