lördag 21 mars 2015

Weekend with Awesome Ninja Kittens...

Ok so the struggle continues.. (!).. or should I say the fun ;). Beautiful day out here outside of sthlm. Started snowing yesterday so today it has been clear skies so far and enjoying a nice scenery along the country side. Morning walk with the rest of the Awesome Ninja Kittens team. ;) Providing some images from our morning walk ;). Ok so we still have issues with getting all devices to play nicely together with our current setup, but instead now we are building three separat projects that will use REST-api calls to communicate between the different clients (web-clients, iOS-clients), hardware-server (the raspberry) and backend server logic server (a REST based Java server)... could be cool if we make it all work together.. will let you know how it goes... untill then here are some images ;)..