torsdag 30 april 2015

Back from the Alps, with memories and a tan ;)

Yupp so I am back! Had an awesome time in Val Thorens, experiencing a lot of skiing (did ski basically every day I got the chance to), some great weather (last two weeks were amazing) and meeting a lot of new cool people and also had time for some self-reflective moments which was good ;).

My brother made a pretty ok skiing movie when he and I skied some (ok its not pro-level and we are not jumping from cliffs and stuff but I think its pretty nicely done with both some pist-runs from my brother and some off-pist runs from me). Go check it out if you want ;)

I will be using this post as a final summing up from my last weeks there ( did like no development at all besides developing my experience in life and skiing haha ;))

Some images will follow and in the next post I will tell you more about how my Raspberry Pi project is going with Awesome Ninja Kitttens. :)

Now some images.. ;)