fredag 4 november 2016

Free Video Player on NPM

Hi pps, hope u are doing well ;)! Besides doing some more soul-searching and realizing more of how I want my life to be (spending more time with family, friends, traveling and being true to how I feel inside :D.. less work if it does not appeal to me). Maybe I will turn this blog into a philosophical outpost along the dev stuff I do, but basically I do believe we are all in HUGH shift on this planet in becoming more true to ourselves in so many ways, which in turn include that its gonna be hard to keep up an attitude of separation, hurtfulness and division between people, between fractions, countries, companies, nature and humans and also within ourselves (basically we will be pushed to become more of our authentic selves, which in turn is awesome! :)).

One of the things I still do believe in when it comes to tech, which is interluding with the above mentioned philophosy, is transparency, openess and... open source ;).  So started working more with enhancing Free Video Player

Did a new release to the project and alsoe added it to... *drum roll* npm :D.  Yes its awesome that I got it up there and the only instance so far with the name free-video-player (perfect). So now
a user utilizing tech like Node with build tools such as Webpack etc can use the player by typing

npm install free-video-player 

Go check it out...

Anyways take care of yourselves and your loved ones, life is short, make it count for yourself and let yourself shine!

Peace & love