tisdag 29 december 2015

Holidays, New challenges - And an Open Source HTML5 Video player

Ok people hope all is well and the holidays are treating you all wonderfully well!? :) Some updates, I am changing projects workwise now on the beginning of next years. Nothing is written in stone yet but I have my ideas and leads, its more about me listening to myself for a while before jumping in to the next challenge/experience ! :).  A cool thing though is that I decided to give back more to the community in form of Open Source stuff, and the first (quite big) project comes in an open source technology for playing video streams. There is something called HTML5 and I have basically started to build my own video player from scratch which in turn will be licensed through GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html. I will post more stuff on this blog as soon as we have something closer to a first alpha/beta, then it will be published on github for the public etc (its currently me doing all the video player work, but a former colleague and a friend is doing work on other parts of the project aswell). Anyways here is a nice picture of stockholm you might enjoy :)