onsdag 27 januari 2016

Free Video Player - Site online :)

Hi people hope you are all doing well and if you aren't already,  that you follow your hearts wherever they may take you ;). That is what I am doing now. I guess I have also changed a bit on how I look at career and things. So will see how my upcoming working situation looks like ;). Currently looking for like something like part/half time development in a project/work and part time teaching in things like Maths or music since that is something I discovered I loved also when I was doing part time teaching in the end of my study years at KTH. Yea maybe I will add even more philosophical ideas and views I have on life here aswell as providing some stuff about the developy part of my life ;).

Anyways for some developy parts.. I released the web-site for the open source project I discussed earlier.. drum roll... Free Video Player ! :) The codebase can be reached through the homepage I just linked to or by going directly over to GitHub :). So far I am working towards an ALPHA release so there is just the possibility to fork the project at GitHub but soon I will have a zipped alpha release containing the js files necessary to include the Free Video Player within your site.

Now for another important thing.. pictures from the last part of my vaccation ;) I was in the northern/middle part of Sweden visiting beautiful Åre and did some skiing with a friend. One night we had confy -30 celsius kinda, but boy is it beautiful during the day when the sun is shining and the dry air (all water moisture freezes over kinda fast).