tisdag 29 december 2015

Holidays, New challenges - And an Open Source HTML5 Video player

Ok people hope all is well and the holidays are treating you all wonderfully well!? :) Some updates, I am changing projects workwise now on the beginning of next years. Nothing is written in stone yet but I have my ideas and leads, its more about me listening to myself for a while before jumping in to the next challenge/experience ! :).  A cool thing though is that I decided to give back more to the community in form of Open Source stuff, and the first (quite big) project comes in an open source technology for playing video streams. There is something called HTML5 and I have basically started to build my own video player from scratch which in turn will be licensed through GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html. I will post more stuff on this blog as soon as we have something closer to a first alpha/beta, then it will be published on github for the public etc (its currently me doing all the video player work, but a former colleague and a friend is doing work on other parts of the project aswell). Anyways here is a nice picture of stockholm you might enjoy :)

söndag 18 oktober 2015

Working late.. and working on a new company page

Ok people trying to get some updates here again. Have been some focus on work lately since we are pushing for a deadline with a specific technology that basically hasn't really been done on so many places in the world so far we know. But basically we are working with a system handling video streaming services currently. Had some issues with a bug in one part of the system chain having half of the team working late one monday evening yay! :) Supplying some images from that evening. Also working a bit on a new company page since I did start another company this summer, so it could be nice to have a front for the company up.. (haven't really had time until now.. but now I started the process... will probably contain a bit more fun stuff like overlayed mp4s and other visual goodies. Still basing the things in an Angular base ;)

a bit tired.. ;)
My colleague Rene working on solving an issue..

torsdag 1 oktober 2015

Autumn update..

Been quiet here for a while, been busy living and doing some soul-searching and enjoying life. Will start to post more stuff again about life and possible projects to come. For now I will just post some beautiful images I snatched when I was in Norrland (close to the border of Norway). These images were taken in the raw wilderness close of Abisko/Katterjok. I think we are moving into a new era of living now. More authentic approaches to life and other people are upon us... not least ourselves.

söndag 10 maj 2015

Astrology - Open Source Project

Ok since I am both a nerd when it comes to the technical code stuff and also I do believe in spiritual stuff and things like Astrology, I did start an open source javascript code project to implement a class that bascially could handle simpler astrological questions for the end-user. Things like getting information about your zodiac sign (and maybe later down the line compatibility between different signs and specific astrological blue-prints). I pushed the code and stuff to GitHub , go check it out https://github.com/DaWoody/Astrology-JS

Also got a haircut and shaved some of my beard ;)

söndag 3 maj 2015

GitHub practice and sun ;)

Done some more collaborative workflow repo practices today. I really like both The issue handling and wiki functions Of Bitbucket and GitHub. Started to investigate more Of The IO javascript library which should Work pretty well with some Node functionality for The PI. This will Help probably a lot with what We are trying to do in Awesome Ninja Kittens currently, which is a combination Of a video service with hardware integration structures using secure communication channels or something similar to that. Lets see where that project goes ;). Also got time to sit some in The sun in beautiful Tessinparken in Stockholm today ;)

torsdag 30 april 2015

Back from the Alps, with memories and a tan ;)

Yupp so I am back! Had an awesome time in Val Thorens, experiencing a lot of skiing (did ski basically every day I got the chance to), some great weather (last two weeks were amazing) and meeting a lot of new cool people and also had time for some self-reflective moments which was good ;).

My brother made a pretty ok skiing movie when he and I skied some (ok its not pro-level and we are not jumping from cliffs and stuff but I think its pretty nicely done with both some pist-runs from my brother and some off-pist runs from me). Go check it out if you want ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aC56_mLRPs

I will be using this post as a final summing up from my last weeks there ( did like no development at all besides developing my experience in life and skiing haha ;))

Some images will follow and in the next post I will tell you more about how my Raspberry Pi project is going with Awesome Ninja Kitttens. :)

Now some images.. ;)

lördag 11 april 2015

Playing at apres ski, sun and skiing

Got a chance to backup The awesome trubadour Martin ( The Naked Swede) At panda for his afterski gig:) 
was really fun and I think I did alright. Also Of course been skiing everyday. The snow is melting kinda fast now since The weather has been awesome The last week. Going less and less offpist since The snowlayer is getting thinner and also since its getting a bit more dangerous with The freezing and melting going on each night/day. First day I actually had an hour or so over today for some IT stuff, relocated a private project with Awesome Ninja Kittens. O a little pic from me in a place called chourchevel.. Later ;).,

tisdag 7 april 2015

Powder and apres ski

Having it really great here At Val Thorens. Will be less Frequent updates for a while here since I am focusing on skiing and life for a while, and also The wi-fi in My apartment kinda sucks, so posting this from a local pub called Panda. Anyways yesterday was truly awesome with powder all day and sun. Today still sun and awesome but most Of The powder is gone, or you have to traverse some to get it. Anyways Will be more updates later on, but now back to life :).

onsdag 25 mars 2015

Soon off to france :)

Just a couple Of days more and I am off for a couple Of weeks in The french alps, Will be awesome!:) Will ofc bring some Of  my hobby projects with me to toy around with when I am not in The slopes..;). Got a pair Of new Shreditor 102's to back me up ... Check the beauties ;)

lördag 21 mars 2015

Weekend with Awesome Ninja Kittens...

Ok so the struggle continues.. (!).. or should I say the fun ;). Beautiful day out here outside of sthlm. Started snowing yesterday so today it has been clear skies so far and enjoying a nice scenery along the country side. Morning walk with the rest of the Awesome Ninja Kittens team. ;) Providing some images from our morning walk ;). Ok so we still have issues with getting all devices to play nicely together with our current setup, but instead now we are building three separat projects that will use REST-api calls to communicate between the different clients (web-clients, iOS-clients), hardware-server (the raspberry) and backend server logic server (a REST based Java server)... could be cool if we make it all work together.. will let you know how it goes... untill then here are some images ;)..

fredag 20 mars 2015

Dev weekend night owls ;)

Ok IT started with a bit Of uphill... We had some issues getting the network to play with all Of our devices, specially The prom queen or beautiful raspberry or queens, Lukas brought his ;). But we decided to try another approach and now have At least succeded in continuing after failing haha.. Three different branches and specific tech wise up and growing... Adding some images .. More to come ;)